Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day at my parents!!

Well, while I sit and wait for baby Rylee to come out, Kasen and I went to my parents house to share their day off with them! Kasen always has so much fun with Grandma and Grandpa.. Here are some pictures of the day..

Kasen and Grandpa playing with the WordWorld learning game they bought for the grandchildren..

Kasen posing in the leaves!!

Grandpa covered Kasen with leaves! He loved it...

He always helps Grandma with her dishes (she saves the silverware for him) So, after lunch he helped her clean up..

I put him down for a nap but knew he was starting to feel sick.. After 10 minutes or so of hearing him yell for Grandpa and Tessa (their dog) I knew I'd have to go lay with him because he doesn't sleep well when he is sick. I went down, laid on the couch with him and not even a minute later he was snoring :) I love my little man so much.. Poor guy woke up really sick though!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


It is 8:32pm on Thanksgiving and I have yet to write my list of thanks....
1. I am so very thankful for my husband..
Rob -- Who has stood by my side for almost 5 years now even though I put him on a roller coaster.. How easy it would have been to give up on me through our times of struggle, yet he is still here, supporting and loving me the same as 5 years ago! He is the best husband, and father to our kids.. I love him and thank him for all he does for us..
2. I am thankful for my kids..
Jasmine -- I may not be her real mother, but I love her as if I were.. She is bright and cheerful, loves helping with everything and cares deeply for others!
Kasen -- How warm I feel inside to wake up to hearing him call my name "Mommy" and grateful I am to spend all day playing, laughing and teaching him. Tucking him in every night with a book and prayers.. He has a strong, caring heart! I love him more then anyone would know..
Rylee Lynn -- Even though she is still in my tummy (another 2 weeks) She makes me so happy!! I've loved her from the moment I heard her heart beating on the monitor and will still love her if she turns out to be a RED HEAD with freckles ;)
3. So thankful for my parents..
Dad -- For being there when he didn't have to be! He is the one person in my life that I can always count on to not let me down.. He has taught me values I hold close to my heart today and will for the rest of my life!
Mom -- Life wouldn't be life without her!! I run to her with any problems that arise, and she always comforts me with her words of wisdom! I couldn't ask for any other mother in the world..
4. Thankful for my siblings..
Tony -- He always seems to make me smile, no matter the mood I am in.. The care and love he shows for my family makes my tummy tickle in JOY! He has been through a lot in his life and he amazes me for the accomplishments he is making today :) I love him so much..
Tiffy -- Always there when I need her, to lend a helping hand.. For believing in me when no one else did.. I am lucky to have a sister to share my love and friendship with!
5. My extended family..
Aunts, Uncles, Grandparents and Cousins. My Nephew and Niece. And in-laws!
I have the best family in the world.. They are upbeat, warm and welcoming.. There is love in everyone's hearts and homes!
Oh and I almost forgot to mention the delicious food!!

Friday, November 20, 2009


I am pleased to announce I am now a follower of Because We Believe in Art :)

Follow TODAY and you may win the BLOG GIVE-A-WAY!!

If you believe, then hop on over to the Because We Believe in Art blog for their 1st anniversary blog give-a-way. There are many wonderful artists who have donated one of their "OOAK" ornaments just for this special occasion and yes, YOU might be the lucky winner.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I have recovered from the nasty ole Swine Flu.. :) Yay!! So, we wondered on down to my brothers house to see my nephew Parker.. It is always so nice to see him! It is amazing to see how much he resembles Tony (my brother)..
Today I had a doctors appointment for baby Rylee.. I have lost 3 more pounds, but hey what's new?? I have been losing, not gaining for the past month and a half.. She is healthy though, and that is what matters the most :) I am to EAT more and DRINK tons!! I can't wait to see her, to hold her! To have that overwhelming joy again, right in my very arms..
Still to this day, I look at Kasen and to touch his skin amazes me to know "I created him" He is the most wonderful little boy I have ever met. He has come so far in so little amount of time! He is my hero, to go through all that he has been through and still keep his head up.. Most people say its because he is so little and don't know any different. I beg differ, anyone, any age, and size knows the struggles their body is going through. I love my little man :)

Friday, October 30, 2009



Last weekend we took the kids to the Dinosaur Park to the Halloween Party they had.. It was fun!!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Ice Cream Man

Kasen got his first ICE CREAM from the Ice Cream Man....

We heard him and went and waved him down!! Biggest mistake ever because he stopped in front of our house and the line was never ending.. So, after we got our ice cream we still had to listen to the annoying music it plays the entire time we ate it!! But, Kasen enjoyed it so that is all that matters..

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Camping fun...

My family and my cousin Carson's family went up to Doc's Flats a few weekends ago to camp for the weekend... We really had a blast, but I didn't take many pictures. :(
Here are a few...

Rob keeping the fire going....




Jace kept throwing dirt in our tent!!!

Lovin camping..

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Jayda Kate has arrived...

July 6th my only sister had her baby girl.. She was 6lb 6oz 19 1/2 inches long and was born at 3:17pm! Her name is Jayda and was blessed to have my middle name Kate :)

Late at night on July 5th, Tiffanie had went into labor. She did not wake up Chris to let him know because her contractions were not timing right. So, she stayed awake all night in pain. At about 10AM the following morning she finally woke him up and said it was time to go! As they were leaving her water BROKE.. She was dilating so fast and her contractions were back to back, the Doctor or Anesthesiologist could not keep her pain under control. I was saddened to hear her screaming in pain before I even made it to her room! She has a very high pain tolerance level, so to see her in that much pain almost killed me.. I was lucky enough to be her coach, Chris wanted full frontal view of Jayda being born! :) It was a beautiful moment, being there for my sister.. She has always been the one there for me, through all my trials and pains. Through thick and thin, no matter what was going on in her life. So, for me to be there for this, brought so much joy in my heart.. I am not sure the last time I felt this rejoiced. Thank you Tiffy for letting me be a part of one of your biggest days in your life! I am so proud of you, for all you are and all you've accomplished.. I LOVE YOU!!

Jayda is so precious! I am happy to be her Auntie.. I love you niece!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


My sister Tiffanie is having a baby girl really soon so my mom and I threw her a baby shower Sunday the 7Th. It was held in one of the most beautiful parks here in town, Horsely Park. The turn out was great. I planned a few games with prizes and my mom mad the most wonderful chicken salad sandwiches and fruit trays! Yummy to my tummy.. =) It was however, a little nippy and at the end of it, it began to rain really hard.. Tiffy (that is what we call her) received a ton of cute little dresses for her summer baby. Jayda is the name they picked out.. I LOVE IT.

After the baby shower Tiffy and Chris had planned on stopping by to help Rob clean up the tree he cut down at our house.. The tree was dead and since my husband is a tree trimmer for the power company, he cut it down without a problem!
But oh boy did it ever scare the daylights out of me to see him tied up in a tree with a running chainsaw.. I am so glad I don't see him at work!!! If I did, I am pretty sure he would no longer be working there.

I had decided to run to Kent's Marketplace to get some stuff to make chili for dinner for all of us after being in the rain.. I ran into my Aunt Marie and was talking to her for a minute when a cramping pain started shooting all the way through my back and down my right leg. I had to leave quickly. I was crying all the way home in so much pain. I got inside and just fell to the ground. I thought I was literally going to die. My greatest fear of getting pregnant again was that I would go through the same if not worse pain and troubles as my last pregnancy. WELL, sure enough, I AM..
Rob took me into the ER and my white blood cell count was extremely high, so they were prepping me for surgery to remove my appendix. Right before taking me back to the OR I began to bleed. The fear radiated my entire body, knowing that if I miscarried this one I would never have the chance to have another because my doctor is doing a hysterectomy regardless I have this baby or not. I have major female problems!! So, the bleeding changed everything and they did not take me to surgery! Thank goodness.. They did an ultrasound, BABY IS STILL ALIVE.. What a relief.. Turns out the bleeding and pain is due to the 2nd sac (the blood sac) detaching itself from the uterine wall and disposing of itself. My doctor thinks I will have the same problems with my kidney's as I did the last time. I had hydronephrosis.
So, I am on strict bed rest. No lifting, very difficult with a 22 month old boy. And laying down with legs up at all times! My mother and sister have been a big help these past two weeks. Thank you both for all you do! I am lucky to have them in my life.. Also wanted to thank my husband for being so great and supportive during this time. And, my Aunt Linda, Granny, and Cousin Carson for the offer to help when they can! My family means the world to me.. I love you all :)

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wow! I am not good with promises to write in this thing... I don't think I will take up anymore challenges to do so! =(

There were a few things this past week however, that I would like to share!

On Memorial Day we went to the cemetery to visit my husbands sister Teara. She was hit by a car when she was 6 and he was 8. He always has had a rough time dealing with this still to this day because he feels it was his fault. Even though he knows he can't blame himself. Anyways, my eyes filled up with tears as we got there and my 21 month old son walks right up to Teara's head stone, sat down in front of it and rambled on. Before he got up he kissed his hand and placed it on the picture of her that is on the head stone! Kasen has never been there before, and we didn't point out the head stone. He went straight to it on his own. Now, isn't that amazing?

Yesterday, Kasen and I went up to Ogden to help Robyn volunteer at Caden and Tesla's Elementary school. It was fun but my camera died before I could get any pictures =(

After the Field Day at the Elementary school we went back to Robyn's house, made some sandwiches and headed up to the park with the kids for a picnic. It was a nice visit I had, but containing 6 kids at the park! Wow...

I had to get going because my brother asked me to take him on an errand at 2 so I left about 1:09. We were driving, Kasen and I North toward Brigham City on Wall Avenue by the Newgate Mall. I had been on the phone with my mom, she was asking me if I heard the news about what the doc told my sister Tiffy. I had glanced back at my cranky son and noticed he had taken off the top part of his seat belt. I was mad and scared at the same time, I yelled "Kasen, darn it. Mom, I gotta go Kasen took off his seatbe--- Shit, I wrecked" I dropped the phone, watched as Kasen flung forward from his car seat and hit the back of the passenger seat with his head. I looked forward again and the car was gone. So I drove out of the intersection and pulled into Master Muffler and checked on Kasen. Luckily he still had the bottom part of his seat belt on so his butt remained in the seat. I called 911. EMT checked Kasen out, said he'd be okay. They gave him a cute teddy. The other lady had also pulled out of the intersection just in the other direction that is why I didn't see her. They ended up citing me for the wreck because even though it was my green light I could not pin point the exact vehicle from quarter mile away! Therefore I was distracted.. Um?? Yes I was distracted, my child was taking his seat belt off.. Any who, the real shock and effect of all this didn't hit until bedtime. I laid there thinking about how lucky we were. I cried knowing that Kasen was in a dangerous situation. And I replayed the the whole thing over and over again. I had a rough night sleeping!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pursuit of Happiness....

I was tagged in the pursuit of happiness by my lovely Aunt Linda. For 7 days straight (without fail) I am going to post what makes me happy for that particular day. I also am supposed to tag 7 people.
I am tagging...
My Mom Diane
My Dad Alan
I hope you all take this challenge.. I think it will be fun and very interesting to see the joys in your life that happens daily..
#1. Today, I am happy for my ultrasound...
Carson watched Kasen (last time I took him in with me, he was into EVERYTHING)
I failed to mention a week ago that it turns out not to be twins. The second sac the doctor saw was a blood sac that had began to spread around my uterus. This ultrasound showed the blood is beginning to fade. And that the baby looks very healthy! GREAT NEWS..... My due date has changed to Christmas Day. I have to have C-section because Kasen was takin by C-section and the time period between the two has not been long enough. He will be taking the baby a week early so we will be home for Christmas. Every year for Christmas we make our rounds, first is the Christmas Eve party thrown every year at my Aunt Linda and Uncle Barney's, it has always been so much fun. Then to my in-laws on Christmas Day, usually we all meet at Grandma Melba's, however Great Grandma Thelma is getting older in her age and we met at her house last year. We open presents and eat lunch. After that we go to my parents house. All my siblings meet there and we have a great dinner and open more gifts. Now, the only downfall this year is that the baby will only be a week old and will not be able to take him/her out of the house that soon. I hope my family will come to us this year! =)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Renee Award..

I was given this award from my mother, Diane.. As most of you already know, she is a wonderful Artist. She inspires me to do just about anything! She has a kind heart and never gives up when giving up seems easier.. I love her so much! Thank you mom, for giving me this award.

The Renee award was created by Bella and Ces in honor of their friend Renee In Bella's own words "this is a brand new award and I have the pleasure and honor of spreading the seed, watching it grow. I hope it finds it's way to those who are like Renee: the acorn, a small package becoming a tall and sturdy oak, giving more acorns, becoming tall and sturdy oaks, giving acorns..." You are to choose 8 other people to receive this award.

I am sharing this award to a few people because I do not have 8 blogger friends..




Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

I woke up Mother's Day with my favorite breakfast! Biscuits and gravy... Rob helped Kasen make me this wonderful framed poem with his hand prints from Walmart. And since the proceeds went to Primary Children's it made it worth going out to get it done! Rob also got me a collage picture frame.. I have always wanted one!

The poem reads...

Sometimes you get discouraged, because I am so small. And always leave my fingerprints, on furniture and walls. But every day I'm growing- I'll be grown some day, And all those tiny hand prints, Will surely fade away. So here's a little hand print, just so you can recall exactly how my fingers looked, when I was very small.

Yes, i teared up big time!

We went to my mother in laws, and visited with with her and my brother in law Danny. It was a nice visit. We had KFC! Not to fond on the new grilled chicken they have.. Danny was sick, he ended up at the ER and was told he has bronchitis. Hope the zpac helps him.

My parents bought me a flower pot with beautiful flowers. And this other one I fell in love with that my mom had bought. Also, my mother's friend/boss at work me me this wonderful cake! She did an excellent job..

It was a wonderful Mother's Day! I just feel bad my mom was extremely sick during the BBQ my dad had for her. She was fevering, so she ended up getting in the warm tub and falling asleep after we ate! She went to the doctors today, turns out she's got STREP THROAT.. I really hope she gets better soon!

Friday, May 8, 2009


On Wednesday Carson and I went for another stroll down to the park with the boys! Yay for me and Kasen, she locked herself out of her house.. Ha ha, so we had fun with her and Jace all day..

Sometimes, and I don't know if it is just because he is my son but some of the things Kasen does is AMAZING! He had wiped the slide off for Jace before he slid down. There was some wood chips on the bottom of it that he just had to get off first. He is so smart!

We left the park starving! I had no ambition to cook lunch so we went to McDonald's instead..

They had a blast playing with the musical toddler toys. McDonald's designed an area just for toddlers! With music and things to climb on, of course they loved it.. There was a cute little girl there that they also loved =)

They were all tuckered out by this point. But this wasn't the end of our day...

I had a doctors appointment for an ultrasound because I have been cramping a little. And with my history of the problems I have had carrying Kasen and the few miscarriages he figured he'd take a look. Carson and Jace came with us and she watched the boys in the waiting room while my husband and I went in. I am currently carrying twins! However, the second sac is smaller then the other and he could not see a heartbeat. He says it is still very early (I am only 9 weeks) to determine, but, he told us there is a few possibilities.. That 1. Its is still to early to see the heartbeat or 2. That the baby is not alive and the sac is slowly shrinking. I have another ultrasound this upcoming Wednesday, I will know more information then.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Helping out.....

Today Kasen was a real big help... I was cleaning my kitchen and making dinner. I turned around to see him sweeping the floor!

After dinner, we all went outside! My husband decided to mow the lawn before the storm rolled in. So, Kasen pushed his little toy around copying his daddy.. It was so fun watching them!

He must have thought he helped daddy long enough because he then came over and helped me pull weeds! We had finish in time... As soon as Rob put the lawn mower back and Kasen and i was headed back inside the storm hit!

Our weekend..

Rob got home from work and we were starving and sometimes, i just don't want to cook!! So, we went to McDonald's and let the kids play in the new play area! It is designed to allows toddlers a place to play.. They had a blast!

Kasen spent most his time taking the basket balls out and putting them back in the cubby..

Jas was playing on the computer they had, she kept teaching Kasen how to play it.. What a perfect sister she is!

This little girl is Hailey. She is Jasmine's sister from another dad. We sometimes take her on the weekends we get Jas. We love her just the same! She is fun and great company to us and the kids..

It is sure nice to have all these children in our life! It sure makes you reflect a lot on your past and realize that what we have today is a blessing..


We planned a bbq for this past Saturday a week in advance and had no clue it was going to rain! But, we didn't cancel.. No WAY!! Rob stood out in the rain and grilled some hamburgers and hot dogs.. It was well worth it, not only because the food was great, but the visit with family and friends was fun..

This is a picture of our friend Matt's little boy, Ryder and Kasen hugging! They are the same age.. I love this picture and just had to add it. Matt, his two kids, Andy, Robyn and their two kids stayed the night.. So this picture was taken after the boys got in their jammies..

Friday, May 1, 2009

A day out on the town...

I have just recently moved back to the town where most my family lives and the town i love. It is small and quiet. The other day my cousin Carson and i took our little boys about the same age all over town!

It started off to be just a simple walk down to the park.. The boys had a blast! They meet many other little kids.. And tried every slide there! It was getting to be around lunchtime so we walked back up to my house and ate some lunch.

We let the boys play a little bit outside while we took a little rest. We then walked over to Carson's house. She wanted Kasen to try Jace (her son) new JUMP-O-LINE! Oh boy did Kasen love that.. I need to get him one! After jumping a little bit we walked up to the gas station for some drinks and then over to visit my parents. What a great surprise we gave them!

This is Jace. My cousin Carson's son.

I never felt any better after our long all day walk.. Except the sunburn!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

I'm at it again.....

Okay... So, I've decided to give this blog life another try! This time i feel more confident that i'm going to keep up with it...
So, for starters...

My name is Amanda, most do call me Mandi.. But whatever you prefer works for me! I am married with two children and one on the way! Yay.. My husband is Rob. What a great guy! He has been there with me at some of my worst and weakest moments! I'm sure happy he has stuck by my side and not given up on our love for each other.. My oldest is Jasmine, she is actually my step daughter. She is 7 and in the first grade. She is so smart and beautiful. If i'd have never told you she was my step daughter, i'm sure you would have never known, she looks a lot like me!! Kasen is my little boy, he is 20 months old. He is very smart also! He has been diagnosed with seizures, asthma and a heart defect. Its been a rough road for the little man, but he is strong and so is his family.. We always say our prayers for him! Here is our most recent family picture! This was taken December 2008 so not to long ago..